Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Nothing glamorous this morning…it was Monday…Nothing good can happen on a Monday, So don’t ever expect me to wax lyrical on Mondays…but, an observation about myself. I’m sure you have far better things to do than read about me, so I am giving you fair warning that this will be less interesting than a week of Mondays!

Anyway, my observation – I do all my best thinking, writing and concluding in the shower, why is that? as I’m washing myself of my daily sins, the mental activity sky rockets and I’m a human fountain of settlement! This morning was no different…As you may or may not know, We are finishing the writing of our album, We demo songs before choosing to work on them, With the latest batch, one was said to have effing potential but “needed looking at” so whilst in the shower this morning (I have been looking at this song for about 2 weeks now, that is a lot of showering) I found it….the lyric, the melody and the missing pieces…it’s times like these that amazes me. “Say my name, pulling on the strings of my heart, feeling bruised your left hanging in the dark” was the lyric and the missing piece, but how did it surface with such apparent ease?

I can sit at a guitar or a piano for hours and plod away and create nothing short of appalling, but immerse myself in water for 15 minutes and the ideas are as free flowing as the spray I’m washing in….Why? it’s something subconscious, yet I’m conscious enough to focus those thoughts and organize them into palatable conclusions…without really trying…. a study should be made, of why the shower is such a haven for creativity? And if the study shows nothing and I am just a weird water freek…we can always sell it on as Pornography, maybe our mates at Burning Angel would release it.

See you tonight At Lewd Tuesday….

Andy PRiMM

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